Date | Account | Action | Shares | Price | Cost | Earnings | P&L |
11/24/2020 | Binck | + Put | 1 | 0.00 |
Something really shitty and stressful happended this morning!
I learned that some schmuck decided to exercice and buy my 12.5 calls for January 2021.
Suddenly, I have -1000 PUT shares.
I called Binck who told me I have two possibilities:
1. Buy the shares back
2. Sell my +CALL $20
I didn’t want to spend $36K, so I exerciced my calls (some other schmuck should enjoy this too).
All in all, it has no huge impact. This whole thing costs me both options transactions and shares costs, so over $150.
To be honest it’s a real pain and a good way to learn about it now, in case it happens again.
I didn’t know how to put it on Lauroscope as I didn’t purchase or sold any shares and options, so I just added this 1 put which will be used as the total cost.
It’s only at term that I will know the exact impact, but basically, if TUP doesn’t go below $21, I’m in the positive.
Maybe I’ll add a protection put just in case.