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NapoleonX plant to be the first crypto asset manager piloting trading bots. The company is built by very experienced french traders specialized in algorithmic trading. They objective is to use their knowledge and bring it to the blockchain creative a new style of hedge fund. By investing you get access to different types of funds in fiat and crypto’s (at the start BTC/TETH).
As an invesor you can choose to vote in favor of a DAF (1 year fund using a strategy) and in that case earn on their commission fees.
The whole thing looks a bit complicated but I think there’s huge potential here.

The team is really strong and experienced in the field of banking. Advisors are somewhat less.
Roadmap is good with platform planned for Q2.
The model is potent but complicated, therefore I think it is more suited to professional investors or knowledgeable people.
Most will invest to make a quick buck, but long term is king here.
There are 2 ways of using the platform.
1. The platform also delivers trading signals, and their speed depends on the amount of tokens you own. So I can choose between investing 1ETH or 10ETH for speed difference. This is interesting if I want to use it for trading myself. Which is not really what I’m looking for .
2. Not unlike Veritaseum, you can sub-license your NPX and get a dividend in return.

As I understand there is a passive and active mode and you have to choose or combine.
There is a 20% bonus for the first 24h.

There are max 50M tokens, so it’s ok for an expected amount of €15M.

I’m planning to invest but it’s hard to know exactly how much. As I don’t have that many ETH and free capital, I don’t think I should go above 5ETH.
Also, it’s long-term, therefore I will not be able to touch that money. On another note, the exchange value may increase exponentially…