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Bitcoin went finally up over $19K and HIVE went to $1.45CAD so I decided to sell and get rid of it.
I received in total $11,230.46CAD which is right now worth about €7,230.
I purchased all HIVE for a total value of $9,590CAD + about $200CAD in costs.

This gives me in total 11,230.46 – 9,790 = +/- $1,440CAD of gain. (or about €935)
Exchange was more or less stable in between. So my total gain should be more or less €900 if I change the CAD now, which I will do.
It’s actually complicated to know the exact value when I purchase multiple times with exchange rates, but the difference here will be small.

Lost on it another €60 due to exchange rate. I just detest Keytrade and got the money out.