Ico | Token | Date | Idea | Team | Roadmap | Model | Opportunity | Score | Investment | Edit |
DE HEDGE | DHT | 03/01/2018 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 10 |
DeHedge is the world’s first decentralized risk-hedging platform for cryptocurrency investors. DeHedge insures investments into ICOs and cryptocurrencies, safeguarding investors in case of exchange rate fluctuations, scams, and project cancellations. The idea is awesome!
The team is Russian, so red alert.
The ico will take place in March. Additional info will come in January, so basically it’s too early.
Should be following closely.
16-03: DeHedge token sale started. If I understand it correctly, you can only hedge tokens that are sold on their platform. It’s understandable, but at the same time the bonus of 25% becomes less interesting.
I would rather wait and see when their platform is online and what are the ICO’s you can invest in.